01.- Benji spieva Thank You, Mom a aj The Day That I Die
02.- Všetci štyria členovia chodili na strednú High Plata
03.- Benji si dal prvé tetovanie spraviť v šestnástke
04.- Prvú fotografiu celej skupiny spravila Benjiho a Joelova mladšia sestra Sarah
05.- Benji a Joel sú jednovaječné dvojčatá, Benji je o 5 minút starší
06.- Len Paul a Billy sa učili hrať na gitaru
07.- Chris sa narodil 5. mája 1981
08.- Good Charlotte sa pomenovali podľa detskej knižky, ktorú nikdy nečítali
09.- Lars vytetoval "Cestu do konca" pod Benjiho Rancid tetovanie
10.- Benji v desiatich pobozkal Joelovu frajerku =)
11.- Joelovi počas jednej šou na Warped Tour spadli nohavice.... Každý videl jeho Spidermanovské boxerky =)
12.- Benji má rád Jessicu Biel
13.- Benjiho inšpiráciou pre song Wondering bol Cash
14.- Paul používa pri práci Great Steak a Potato Company z Waldorf Mallu
15.- Benjiho piercing do nosa bol vianočný darček
16.- Billy býval v skupine Overflow
17.- Billy riadi pomaly... Má strach z policajtov! =)
18.- Paul hovorí : "Billy riadi ako stará babička!"
19.- Benji, Billy, Paul, ja (t. j Lucka A. =)) a Domča (t.j Dominika P. =)) sú vegetariáni
20.- Benjiho druhé meno je Levi, Joelovo Rueben a Billyho George
21.- Cash je pomenovaný po Cassiusovi Clayovi (Muhammed Ali)
22.- Predtým, ako sa skupina volala Good Charlotte, volali sa "Benjiho, Joelova a Brianova skupina"
23.- Billy a Joel sú posadnutí nákupnými strediskami =)
24.- Billy spravil svoje prvé tetovanie Benjimu
25.- Benji má pohár, na ktorom je Tony Lavatom
26.- Joel spieva pod sprchou
27.- Paul má rád Shakespeara
28.- Najväčší počet dier, ktoré mal Benji kedy na hlave je 14 ( 2 oši, 2 uši, 2 nosné dierky, jedny ústa, 2 piercingy na uchu, 3 piercingy na perách, 1 piercing v obočí a jeden v nose =))
29.- Paulova obľúbená herečka je Christina Ricci
30.- Paul rád píše básne
31.- Billy miluje video hry
32.- Benji nenávidí Crazy Town
01. Benji sang Thank you Mom and The day that I die .
02. All four members (Benji, Joel, Billy, Paul) went to the Plata High School
03. Benji got his first tattoo with 16
04. The first bandphoto was made by Benjis and Joels younger sister Sarah
05. Benji and Joel are identical twins, Benji is 5 minutes older
06. Only Paul and Billy had guitar instruction
07. Chris was born on May 5th, 1981
08. Good Charlotte got their name from a childrens book, they never read
09. Lars tatooed 'Journey To The End' under Benji's Rancid tattoo
10. Benji kissed Joels girlfriend in 10th grade
11. Joel's pants fell down during one of the first shows of Warped Tour '02. Everyone saw his Spiderman boxers
12. Benji likes Jessica Biel
13. Benjis inspiration for Wondering was cash
14. Paul used to work at the Great Steak and Potato Company in Waldorf Mall
15. Benji's nose piercing was a Christmas present
16. Billy used to be in a band called Overflow
17. Billy drives slow. He is afraid of cops
18. Paul says "Billy drives like an old granny!"
19. Benji, Joel and Billy are vegetarians
20. Benjis second name is Levi, Joels is Rueben and Billys is George
21. Cash was named after Cassius Clay (Muhammed Ali)
22. before the band was called GC, it was called "The Benji, Joel and Brian band"
23. Billy and Joel are obsessed with Malls
24. Billy did his first tattoo on Benji
25. Benji has a cup with a picture of Tony Lavato on it
26. Joel sing under the shower
27. Paul likes Shakespeare
28. the most holes, which Benji had ever had in the head, was 14 (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth, 2 ear-piercings, 3 lip-piercings, 1 eyebrown-piercing, 1 nose-piercing)
29. Pauls favourite actress is Christina Ricci
30. Paul likes to write poems
31. Billy loves video games
32. Benji hates Crazy Town
(Mrs.Martin, 1. 10. 2007 18:48)